Download the St Peters app from your device's app store.
This page has information relating to the St Peters College App and personalising your settings. The St Peters App is different from the Firefly for Parents app.
Personalising your Settings
To select alerts to be specific to your campus
1. Go the Settings to manage the alerts (e.g. select alerts for your campus)
2. Click on Subscriptions
3. Select Campuses
Select or deselect the ones that you wish to receive alerts for.
What's in the App?
Alerts - You can receive notifications each time an alert notice is published to inform you of any urgent or important information.
Boarding - Boarding parents can stay in touch with weekly menus, photo galleries and important notices.
Calendar - College events are at your fingertips. With one touch, find out what’s on today, this week or for the month ahead.
Newsletters - The Rock and Cornerstone newsletters are published weekly to the App.
Events - Book or RSVP online to College events.
Contact - Call and email important college contacts straight from the App.
Music - Access Ensemble timetables and information about Music Concerts.
Sport - View all sporting draws and notices and wet weather notifications.
Customise - Through the Subscriptions option, you can choose to receive specific information