A REMINDER: the use of the St Peters Firefly Online Learning Environment needs to be respectful and appropriate. By using our services you are agreeing to the following:
- respectfully engaging in this environment, and;
- will not redistribute the content you find within it.
There is an expectation that you respect the privacy of the staff, students , and parents at our College and the Copyright Usage Agreements that we may have with external vendors.
As a Parent, you also acknowledge that the College expectation is that your child(ren) abides the acceptable use of their own and the College's technology.
Student Acceptable Use of Technology Contract
For Students in Junior High and Senior Schools (Years 7-12)
I hereby agree that while using the College’s network and Information Technology equipment, I will:
- use the device and system for learning not for games and entertainment;
- use the device as teachers or staff members instruct, both in the classroom and on school grounds;
- be careful and sensible with the device. Loss and damage is the student’s responsibility;
- keep the device secure. Passwords must not be shared. Security is the student’s responsibility;
- access the Internet is through the College’s WiFi only, not 3G or 4G;
- obtain permission before photographing, videoing or sharing online;
- bring the device fully-charged each day;
- clearly label my device(s);
- regularly backup important work. Students are responsible for their own data;
- interact with others appropriately, responsibly and respectfully; and
- report any security concerns to the Information Systems Department immediately.
I will ensure that I do not:
- use Internet or network access inappropriately to:
- access any online content or other online spaces that would be considered offensive because of pornographic, racist, violent, illegal, illicit or other inappropriate content;
- use obscene, harassing or abusive language;
- violate copyright laws by posting or distributing copyrighted material by illegally downloading software, games, music, graphics, videos or text materials;
- attempt to change settings and preferences which have been protected by an administrator;
- use another person’s data, online accounts or view their information without permission;
- share passwords with other students;
- cause embarrassment or loss of reputation to the College, or be unjustifiably critical of the College, its students or employees;
- bypass security settings to:
- attempt to obtain unauthorised access to the College or any other computer system or data stored in any computer system;
- attempt to probe security mechanisms at the College or any other Internet sites; or
- damage or interfere with College computer or network equipment.
I realise that if I do not abide by the above rules, disciplinary action (as referred to in the College’s policies) may result.
I agree to the conditions above and as detailed in the Student Acceptable Use of Technology information in the Junior High School Handbook or Senior School Handbook or Springfield Handbook (as appropriate).
Student Acceptable Use of Technology Contract
For Students in the Primary Years (Years P-6)
When I use the Internet I will:
- only use it for my learning;
- follow the instructions given to me by my teacher;
- be respectful when communicating with others online;
- recognise the work and ideas of others (follow copyright rules); and
- keep my passwords private. Only my teacher and I will know these.
When using the Internet I won’t:
- look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive;
- share home addresses or phone numbers - mine or anyone else's;
- use the Internet to annoy, be mean or upset anyone else;
- send or show inappropriate or offensive messages or pictures;
- bully or insult others; - damage computers or computer networks;
- change settings, files or information not belonging to me; or
- use other people’s passwords or go into their work without their permission.
If I accidentally come across anything on the Internet that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will:
- clear the pictures or information from my screen; and
- immediately and quietly inform my teacher.
I understand that if the school decides that I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken. This action may result in consequences such as modified use, renegotiation of their digital licence, device confiscation or other.